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감동적 사진과 글

일제 강점기 한국 풍경

by 보덕봉 2010. 12. 5.
일제 강점기 사진 (귀한자료)


Boys in uniform, Pai Chai High School, Seoul ( 배재고등학교)


Korean Street and Houses



Boy's Middle School, Kongju or Konju

East Gate Church, Seoul

Bank and Trolley Car, Seoul

A Street of Homes

Bridges and Trains, Seoul


Korean Funeral장례행열

Women Washing at Stream

Girls of Ewa Haktang Girls' High School 이화학당

View of Pyengyang

Young Trees, Kongju

Dr. Moore and Pastors

District Bible Class

Koreans in a Field

A Sunday School Class

Entering A Village

A Village Thatched Church

Tiled City Church

Drill at Pai Chai School, Seoul

Chemical Laboratory, Seoul

Buddhist Monuments

Hall Memorial Hospital, Pyengang

Korean Undergoing Medical Examination

"Characters" Facing Japanese School

Church and Congregation, Wonju

Rev. Wilber C. Swearer and Itinerating Outfit

Buddhist Idols in Shrine

Railroad Train in Korea

Preparing Rice Fields

Yak San Mountain and Valley

Loaded Bullock

Playing Chess

Nine-Man Shovel

Water Carrier

Korean Laundry

Korean Mourner

Country Wayside Shrine

Devil Posts


◈** 1903년 외국 기자가 찍는 사진모음(한국의 그 시절)***

                                                 1903년 외국 기자가 찍는 사진모음(한국의 그 시절)


음악이나 그림이 없으면 화면  윗부분이나

                      화면 하단에"표시하기"클릭 하세요



1903년 외국 기자가 찍는 사진모음

결혼식 축화 (서울에서)

- The Wedding party (2), SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- Pottery Packing Mountain Men, Near SEOUL

  Transportation, SEOUL. Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.
They are standing on a railroad or trolly track.

- Limousine Service in the Snow for a High Class Little Girl, SEOUL

- Happy Kids With Grandma and the Water Boy, SEOUL. Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900

- Chowing Down at an Old "Greasy Spoon" Where the Food Tastes Great. SEOUL
Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- High Class Dandys on a Nature Hike. Near SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- The Royal Tombs Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.


- Korean Girls Testing a New "Short Drop" Parachute Design

- Smokin', Gamblin', and Gossiping

- High Class Family

- The Short-Cut Home, or, a Korean SPIDERMAN Does His Thing. SEOUL

- Kids on the City Wall, SEOUL

- A Crowed Scene on a Side Street, PYONGYANG

- A Rustic Road Near SEOUL

- The Bean Grinder, SEOUL

- A "Greasy Spoon" Restaurant in SEOUL

- The Chicken Seller, SEOUL

- Charcoal Carriers, SEOUL

- Junks Along the Han River at YUNG SAN, a Logging Town Near SEOUL

- Two Kinds of Loads on the Streets of SEOUL

- Public School With a Holding Cell Under the Floor Reserved For Wild Kids, SEOUL -

Wonder what the little girl behind bars did to get thrown in the klink?
Obviously, the pipe-smoking old teacher-sage doesn't take any crap from his young pupils.

- Tiger Hunters in the Hills Outside of SEOUL



- Human "Dirt Pounders" Harden the Foundation for a New Post Office. SEOUL, 1903

- Officials of the Imperial Department of Communications. SEOUL, 1903

- Four Peace-Loving Korean Gentlemen at the Temple of the God of War. SEOUL

- Heathen, Idol-Worshipping, Blinded-by-the-Devil, Superstitious Koreans
(According to the Christian Missionaries, that is). Near SEOUL

- Two Happy Guys Winnowing Barly in the Streets of CHEMULPO


Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer

- High Class Women and their Coach Bearers Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- The Hay Carrier. Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- Education Awakens the 'Hermit Kingdom" - A School for Boys in SEOUL, 1903

- A Happy Couple Visiting Relatives in SEOUL, 1903

- Korean MINISTER OF WAR, His Son, and Grand Children. SEOUL, 190

- General Prince "MIN YUN HUAN",

Commander in Chief of the Korean Army. SEOUL, 190

- A Wedding Party (1), SEOUL

- The Wedding party (2), SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- Pottery Packing Mountain Men, Near SEOUL


